Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 2- the adventure continues

After a night punctuated by the cacophony of rain on metal roofs, day broke to more or less clear skies. Unfortunately, coffee eluded the early risers, but breakfast was bountiful, albeit slow in arriving. After all, how fast can one waitress and one chef provide a cooked-to-order breakfast for twenty-six people???

Three loaded vans transported the group to Anse-le-raye for mass at the Catholic Church. Some of us had a peek at the Earth Boxes planted last November and the tomato plants growing there. Father Athanase Joseph, our host and mentor, celebrated the mass accompanied by a choir of young, enthusiastic, robust voices as well as several young musicians. Members of the congregation kindly offer assistance in helping some of us navigate through the service. Our team leader, Bud, presented to the congregation an overview of Global Volunteers and the reason for its presence in Anse-le-raye. Referencing his message of calling and commitment, Father Athanase enlightened the volunteers about the importance of making connections in the community and some of the cultural background likely to impact volunteer efforts.

Following a buffet lunch, a three plus hour orientation with all assembled included a review of the inter-relationship of the Twelve Essential Services and the generation of  the following goals for the two weeks:

    To stimulate life long skills

    To promoted the twelve essential services

    To build relationships/friendships

    To learn the St. Lucian culture

    To be a servant learner

    To enjoy the experience

    To grow personally

Fifteen characters of an effective team morphed into a super team of twenty-some highly desirable qualities and we all promised to do out best to exhibit these qualities. A quick overview of Global policies and health and safety guidelines was given. Remember to keep rested, comfortably cool, well hydrated and adequately fed and “safety trumps everything”! Project groups met to discern their anticipated goals for Monday and reported their plans at dinner.

It was a long day. Bed couldn’t come soon enough for volunteers and team leaders alike.

- Betsy

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