Thursday, July 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Alessia!

The second week began with less trepidation and more confidence for all us.  We know where we are going with our various projects and many are well underway to completion.  Our construction project (room additions to infant school) now has a floor and one wall, while teachers in the various primary and secondary schools have given and are planning more in service lectures for teachers.  The roving caregivers continue to walk and interact with the community in need, while volunteers assigned to the health clinic continue to assist the medical staff daily. This week some of us will undertake maintenance of the Earth Boxes that were planted by previous teams.  Some seem not to be doing so well and will be attended to. Wow, it sounds like we are busy and we are.  We meet each afternoon to give progress reports and it is interesting to hear the progress we are making. 

As for me, I continue to watch and assist with the day to day interaction at both preschools.  I watch the teachers reaffirm good behavior traits for the children, from two to five.  Each day good manners, respect for one another, the importance of sharing, prayer, singing and story time is experienced by the children in a structured environment.  Sometimes, it gets a little noisy and sometimes a tear is shed, however, all children appear healthy and happy.  Some are shy; some are boisterous; while, some are pensive thinking about what they will do when they get home.  They like to watch cartoons at home and don’t know what time they go to sleep.  What they do know is the routine at the school.  They all wash hands before meals and after washroom.  This is a good health habit instilled by prior Global Volunteer teams.  We are pleased to see it is still being practiced. 

 Alessia & Mom

A fitting finale to one day was a birthday party at the Kid Step Day Care.  Alessia is five years old and what a party she had.  Her father came with a boom box and computer for our music.  Her mother brought orange punch, cheeto puffs, tortilla chips, cake and ice cream.  There was singing, dancing and of course playing.  It was a grand party.  Happy Birthday Alessia!

Tomorrow will come soon,
Auntie Pillis
Of Course There Was Ice Cream & Some of the Gang

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