Monday morning~ After breakfast and morning meeting – we
departed for our assignments. Margaret
& I were off to a meeting at Marigot Secondary School with Principal
DuJohn, Vernett James, the youth officer from the Dept. of Ministry, and Ms
Fitz &Ms James – teachers from the Home Economics & Agriculture
program. We gathered to begin discussions about expanding the school farm,
Earthbox program and creating a school feeding program to provide nutritious
lunches to the students. Currently,
there is no government subsidy for such a program for Secondary schools in St
Lucia. We shared many great ideas and I
am encouraged by the excitement from all who attended at working together to
meet the nutritional needs of the students.
The remainder of the afternoon I finalized a schedule to
replant Earthboxes with mothers in the Roving Caregiver Program later in the
week. Additionally, we visited the
shipping and brokerage firm in Castries in an attempt to complete the next step
at getting the Earthbox supply shipment out of customs. Sometimes, despite our best plans and
intentions, circumstances arise which are beyond our control, as we learned we
are still unable to have the shipment released. Although, I find this setback discouraging,
I decide to implement plan B as we drive back to Marigot. Tomorrow I will work
to schedule nutrition and hand-washing lessons at the pre-schools for later in
the week, if we are unable to replant Earthboxes.
Monday proved to be somewhat challenging for other members
of our team as well, and after such an energizing start to the week yesterday,
our spirits were dampened as we gathered for our meeting this evening. Father Warren gently reminded us, that
although we may be discouraged that our plans did not go as we had hoped today,
our challenges pale insignificantly to our friends in Anse La Raye.
Today reminded me of a message from OgMandino, in book: The
Greatest Salesman in the World: “Failure will never overtake you if your
determination to succeed is strong enough”.
A tasty dinner of fresh caught Mahi-Mahi, vegetables, and
plaintains – along with laughter and a few songs around the table at
Julietta’s, rejuvenated our spirits.
Tomorrow we begin anew.
Message of the day by Margaret: “We have flown the air like
birds and swim the sea like fish, but we have yet to learn the simple act of
walking the earth like brothers” – Dr. Martin Luther King
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