Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Life is Good

As the thought of the day was spoke (the Beatle lyric “I Get by With a Little Help from My Friends”) it came to mind how true it is, no matter where we are.  Thank you friends for your help. 

We have passed now what we called “hump day” in the working world.  It is interesting to me how we easily fall into routines, though they may differ radically from ours at home.  After a brief discussion about verb conjugation with Marinna our work day began with a slight transportation SNAFU, which with flexibility was resolved with a quick drop off to the Secondary School and return.  Our arrival to the Primary School was only a bit late and we found the school at an assembly which was a deviation from the usual Monday morning.  Principal Lawrence was giving the results of a prediction contest held earlier in the month and the winner was to be chosen at the assembly.  It didn’t have quite the impact but ultimately a winner was chosen.  He lauded the “Earth Box” planters and gave a big of instruction about them.  He is on a planting team and sounded proud of it. Due to the lateness of the beginning of the school day, students were a bit slow in coming to my assigned room.  Kathy and Jan were busy in and out of this room, so while waiting for students I minimally assisted them with unpacking.  Mr. G Lawrence gave me a copy of the Form 4 test to peruse while waiting and I noticed that it was quite difficult containing sections on history, measurement, geography as well as reading and math which is all that is required on our State Test. 

After spending the morning with students I took a quick walk after lunch to find my coke fix even though I was told it was not good for me because it had caffeine.  This is the routine previously discussed as coke isn’t in the “at home” diet – Dunkin Donuts, however, is. 

On to Castries!!  We filled two vans for our foray to the Capital City.  Things were closing up but some managed to find a few items for purchase.  JJ’s at Castries by the foot of the cruise ship dock was alive with steel band music when we arrived.  After a complementary rum or fruit punch dinner was served.  It was not MahiMahi.  Enjoying Karaoke (some good- some decent – some not the best ever) capped off our evening.

As we sat toasting with our eyes to the sunset in the harbor most agreed – Life is Good!

- Jeanne

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